bd’s Mongolian Grill is Proudly Sponsoring Lemonade Day Detroit!

Saturday, June 7th, 2014 young people all over Detroit will be setting up Lemonade stands to take their shot at entrepreneurship. Eight Detroit area bd’s Mongolian Grills are excited to welcome youth to set up their businesses at restaurant locations.
Lemonade Day is a nation-wide, fun, experiential learning program that teaches youth how to start, own and operate their own business – a lemonade stand.
On Saturday, May 3rd bd’s Mongolian Grill kicked-off this partnership by sponsoring the Kidz Biz Workshop at Washtenaw Community College. The event allowed young people to register for Lemonade Day, participate in educational workshops and enjoy a free lunch. Mongo Man was in attendance with a very special bucket to raffle off.
The foremost objective of Lemonade Day is to empower youth to take ownership of their lives and become productive members of society – the business leaders, social advocates, volunteers, and forward thinking citizens of tomorrow.
This objective and spirit of entrepreneurship is something that resonates with bd’s Mongolian Grill and our company story. Our founder Billy Downs was quite the entrepreneur himself; in 1992 he opened the first bd’s Mongolian Grill in Royal Oak, Michigan and there are now over 30 locations nation-wide. We are thrilled to inspire and support young people to believe in themselves and their ideas just as our original founder did.
Each child that registers Lemonade Day receives an Entrepreneur Workbook. The goal is for them to work through all of the lessons with an adult to learn everything they would need to know in order to start their own business. The workbook teaches them lessons like creating budgets, setting profit-making goals, serving customers, repaying investors and giving back to the community. The program prepares youth to make money with their business then they are encouraged to spend some, save some and share some with community organizations in need.
bd’s Mongolian Grill would like to welcome members of the community to come out and support these children and their lemonade stands! The locations participating include: Ann Arbor, Auburn Hills, Canton, Dearborn, Novi, Roseville, Royal Oak and Sterling Heights.